Boutique office specializing in customs law and customs duties


Commitment to responsibility and commitment to the specialization and refinement of our actions, delivering technical, safe and ethical work.

We are a boutique office, specialized in matters related to customs law and customs duties.

Concerned, since our origins, with the highest quality of work and the very personal service of our clients, we chose to act in three specific pillars of law: the classification of goods, customs valuation and tariff exceptions.

We are driven by the most intense ethical values ​​and personal commitment to meeting the demands of our customers.

Today, a considerable portion of our client portfolio is formed by other law firms and our goal is to be recognized as the reference firm in Brazil and abroad to which we have carefully chosen to dedicate our work.

Areas of expertise

Our advisory firm is able to advise its clients on advisory and contentious solutions (administrative and judicial) in the following specific areas:



PhD student in Tax Law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais

Master in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2011)

Post-Graduation in Corporate Finance from Fundação Instituto de Administração. FEA-USP (2016)

Post-Graduation in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (2008)

Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2006)

Complementary formation

Classification of Goods by the World Customs Organization (2019)

ITC Summer Course. Tax Treaties. International Tax Center Leiden University (2018)

Changing the Game: Negotiation and Competitive Decision-Making. Harvard Business School (2017)

Academic Activity

Professor at the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET) since 2009

Guest Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and Minas Gerais (PUC-COGEAE and IEC-PUC Minas)

Guest Professor at the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law (IBDT)

Guest Professor at the São Paulo Association of Tax Studies (APET)

Guest Professor at the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ADBConst)

Guest Professor at the Paulista School of Law (EPD)

Guest Professor at the Brazilian Law School (EBRADI)

Coordinator of the Merchandise Tax Classification Course at INOVA Cursos Jurídicos

Associations and Interests

Member of the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU)

Member of the Customs Facilitation and Trade Commission of the Internal Revenue Service of São Paulo

Member of the Board of International Relations at FECOMERCIO

Researcher at the Center for Studies “Aduana do Século XXI” at FGV-SP

Researcher at the Customs Law Study Group at UFMG

Collaborator of the Column “Observatório TIT” of the Journalistic Site JOTA

Former Judge of the Tax and Fee Court of the State of São Paulo



Consultation as a prevention of customs conflicts

The activity of classifying goods

Instruments for the classification of goods: study and application of the general rules for the interpretation of the SH

Classification of goods: case study

The legal classification of goods

Spontaneous denunciation in customs law

Reflections on the autonomy of customs law and its informing principles

The challenges of facilitating international trade – points of attention for Brazilian importers

Tariff exceptions: origin, types and legal nature

The role of law in constructivist theory – policy and tax reform: matters of law or economics?

Extraordinary Appeal No. 1,090,591 and the urgency of customs law autonomy

Self-regulation, tax compliance and evolution of the national tax system


Nova Indústria Brasil Plan, technological progress and international trade

More respect in the mess! The ‘Febeapá’ and the classification of goods (part 2)

Customs and challenges of international trade

Let’s talk about classification of goods?


Companies go to Carf to discuss how products should be classified

Law firms manage to earn more amid the pandemic

End of the casting vote in CARF is celebrated by tax experts

Senate approves the Legal Taxpayer MP within the validity period


Customs and customs tax law: ICMS on imports

Impacts of PEC45 on customs taxes

Tariff exceptions

The importance of correct classification of goods

Classification of goods

Customs taxation

(PT) The import fines

Customs valuation and transfer pricing

Advances and prospects in customs law

The Ghost of Customs Review

Interrupted Customs Clearance

Practice of Foreign Trade that no one tells you about



São Paulo – SP
Avenida Paulista, 2300, Pilotis,
São Paulo – SP.
CEP 01310-300


Belo Horizonte – MG
Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 735, Sala 402,
Belo Horizonte – MG.
CEP 30112-003