
Companies go to Carf to discuss how products should be classified

Law firms manage to earn more amid the pandemic

End of the casting vote in CARF is celebrated by tax experts

Senate approves the Legal Taxpayer MP within the validity period

Tax reform still punishes consumption and privileges property, say lawyers

Lawyers criticize STF decisions and fear investigation exaggerations

“Tax Disputes Congest Justice”

Taxpayers manage to block CARF summaries on goodwill and PLR

Profit taxation is for October

Beauty sector loses in CARF millionaire dispute over IPI

Carf annuls judgment favorable to bank

Will Temer increase income tax and pay R$ 6 million to deputies for reform?



São Paulo – SP
Avenida Paulista, 2300, Pilotis,
São Paulo – SP.
CEP 01310-300


Belo Horizonte – MG
Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 735, Sala 402,
Belo Horizonte – MG.
CEP 30112-003